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Indigenous Australians, who comprise the world’s oldest surviving culture, have relied on oral tradition to define themselves and their place in the universe for more than 60,000 years.
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The Learning and Development Initiative (also known as the Learning Inquiry Initiative) is an ongoing initiative in operation at various sites throughout the Vancouver School District. It’s purpose is to uncover and celebrate the knowledge, understandings, principles and skills fundamental to learning. This process includes all associated employee groups, parents, students, and community groups.
Read more Aboriginal Education is for all students. Evergreen School Division has included the Aboriginal perspective in as many areas of the curriculum as possible from Kindergarten to Grade 12. An impressive Aboriginal collection has been built up to provide the necessary resources for all teachers and support staff to incorporate the Aboriginal perspective in the curriculum. Educators can choose from books, videos, art, puppets, music, posters and more in 55 themes related to Aboriginal education. Resources are appropriate for all age groups and skill levels.
Read more Our society has undergone radical shifts in everything from family structure to demographics to where and how families and children spend the majority of their time. Canadian schools, first developed in the context of the family farm and small town, have struggled to respond to the massive shifts that have taken place in how children are living their lives outside of the classroom walls.
Read more Canada has a strong history of investment (both philosophical and financial) in public education. Over 40 billion dollars is spent annually on getting our children from kindergarten to grade 12, yet public opinion polls show confidence in the education system is at an all-time low, home schooling is growing exponentially and the percentage of children attending private schools has doubled in the past 25 years. Although public education certainly appears to work for a percentage of our children, an increasing number of factors point to a deeply flawed system.
Read more We now understand that evolution has provided humans with a powerful toolkit of predispositions that go a long way in explaining our ability to learn language, cooperate in groups, solve problems, plan for the future and empathize with others. This evolutionary inheritance both empowers us and constrains us. We are born ready to learn, but our brains are wired to learn more effectively under certain conditions. Humans learn best when we ‘go with the grain of the brain’ instead of against it.
Imagine schools designed to work in alignment with everything we now know about how kids learn, grow and thrive. Read more Solutions are offered to the poverty inherent in indigenous cultures, developing nations, and inner city populations, which have become disempowered by long-term over-reliance on mainstream political, social, and economic programs developed for their benefit.These welfare systems easily divest recipients of the resources and mind-sets necessary to become self-sufficient.
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August 2015