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Discovering Strengths A project designed to increase access to high-results, strength-based programs for Aboriginal communities across Canada. Change It Up! A unique program designed for Aboriginal youth (15-30) that have not been successful in traditional education. The Community Action Project This project is specifically aimed at reaching youth (15-30) in the Wood Buffalo region that have disengaged from traditional education and consequently face multiple barriers on their path to employment. Community Forests International Education Program Community Forest International’s education program unites schools from New Brunswick, Canada with schools in Pemba, Tanzania creating a cross-cultural, environmental learning experience. Getting Kids Out of the Classroom With a constructivist viewpoint of learning and a commitment to experiential education and authentic outcomes, Sharon MacKenzie takes her middle school classes out of the school and into the world. Success by 6 - Peel Success By 6 Peel builds and expands community support for children by strengthening services for young children and their families. Time to Play: The Heart of Early Years Learning This program explores the Swedish approach to nursery education. Imagine a School: Students Describe What Schools Would Look Like If We Got It Right Imagine a School was a dramatic performance created by high school students from Halifax, Toronto and Vancouver that opened CEA’s symposium “Getting it Right for Adolescent Learners” in 2006. Elementary Students Design Own Classroom When a dozen or so educators from Indianapolis traveled to Reggio Emilia, Italy, several years ago to study the famous constructivist approach in that city’s preschools, they came back prepared for more than project-based teaching — they came ready to decorate. Suicide Prevention Matters: Teen Program Shows Success Research shows ‘Signs of Suicide’ prevention program helps reduce the number of attempts by high school students. Making Life Part of the Curriculum How does a 19th Century Maori war chant figure into the college aspirations of a bunch of student athletes in El Segundo? Learning About Learning Boosts Student Motivation and Success For over 30 years, Carol Dweck has studied students’ motivation in order to find out what makes motivated students tick and she says.. The School of Tomorrow, Today The Hadley Learning Community opened on the 1st September 2006 and is located in the community of Hadley in central Telford. Schools Take on Role as Heart of Community SchoolPlus is a province-wide initiative led by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Education and the provincial education system that promotes learning success and well-being for every child and young person. Building on Strengths Through Collaboration The Learning and Development Initiative (also known as the Learning Inquiry Initiative) is an ongoing initiative in operation at various sites throughout the Vancouver School District. It’s purpose is to uncover and celebrate the knowledge, understandings, principles and skills fundamental to learning. Exploring Democracy: ICT and Inquiry Fuel the Journey With the tools of technology, the support of the Galileo Educational Network, and an inquiry-based model of learning, grade 10 classes took on the question: “What are the implications of living in a democratic society within a larger global context?” Aboriginal Education is for All Students Aboriginal Education is for all students. Evergreen School Division has included the Aboriginal perspective in as many areas of the curriculum as possible from Kindergarten to Grade 12. Innovation And Collaboration Key To School Improvement Program The goal of the Alberta Initiative for School Improvement (AISI) is to improve student learning and performance by supporting initiatives that address unique needs and circumstances within school authorities. Breaking Down Walls to Integrate Arts into Learning ArtsSmarts is the largest education initiative in Canada dedicated to improving the lives and learning capacity of Canadian children by injecting arts into their academic programs. Tell Them From Me: Canadian Students Speak About Their Schools Tell Them From Me is an assessment system that measures a wide variety of indicators of student engagement and wellness, and classroom and school climate that are known to affect learning outcomes. Students Learn Empathy by Connecting with Infants Roots of Empathy (ROE) is an award winning, evidence-based classroom program that has shown dramatic effect in reducing levels of aggression and violence among school children while raising social/emotional competence and increasing empathy. Digital Archives: Connecting Indigenous Past And Present Indigenous Australians, who comprise the world’s oldest surviving culture, have relied on oral tradition to define themselves and their place in the universe for more than 60,000 years. Inter-Generational Connections Key to Enriching Learning The New Horizons Project: There are relatively fewer school-aged children every year, and opportunities for school aged children and senior citizens to interact and form the constructive relationships that infuse and support healthy communities are diminishing. Stay in School: Program Hugely Successful In Reducing High School Drop-Outs The Pathways Program, founded by the Regent Park Community Health Centre in 2001, is a community-based program that delivers academic tutoring, group mentoring, student and parent advocacy and support, and scholarships for all students who complete high school and get into post-secondary programs. Hands-on Trades Courses Get Students Out of Class and On the Job In an effort to expand upon opportunities for students, the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board has introduced a new approach called Focus Programs. Small is Beautiful: Relationships are Central to Program for Young Offenders Since closing its large juvenile training schools 20 years ago, Missouri has become a model for the nation in juvenile corrections. High School Students to Open Goat Farm High school students who created a business plan detailing the market potential they see in the rising demand for goat meat in Indiana will get a $28,000 school district loan to open a goat farm. Honour for First Wind-powered School A village primary school has brought a new sense of pride to a former mining community devastated by a pit closure. Children to Try Out Six Languages in Elementary Grades Primary school children are learning six different languages from the age of nine under a pioneering new plan. From Concept to Sale: Students Learn by Doing in Manufacturing Program Earl of March Secondary School has been recognized many times for its innovated technological excellence. Research of Elementary-age Scientists Startles the Professionals In this article, grade four teacher Diane Petersen writes: Ian’s work as a scientist began with a contradiction: “The scientists said that you can’t find any horny toads here. Learning Adventures Promote Personal And Social Responsibility We provide Southern Gulf Islands students with elementary Eco-Adventures and high school Environmental Studies programs. Cooperation and Service at Heart of Community School A high school in New Hampshire, USA, has developed a curriculum that revolves around working with the local community, as students carry out 150 hours of community service a year. |
Positive interdependence means that when you succeed, I succeed, too; my interest in your learning is matched by your interest in mine. Featured VideoPrograms at Work |