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Aboriginal Education is for all students. Evergreen School Division has included the Aboriginal perspective in as many areas of the curriculum as possible from Kindergarten to Grade 12. An impressive Aboriginal collection has been built up to provide the necessary resources for all teachers and support staff to incorporate the Aboriginal perspective in the curriculum. Educators can choose from books, videos, art, puppets, music, posters and more in 55 themes related to Aboriginal education. Resources are appropriate for all age groups and skill levels.
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The curriculum of the public school has become bloated, fragmented, mired in trivia, and short on ideas. It does not demand that students connect what they learn with anything else. It does not challenge them to reach beyond their limits. The curriculum stifles curiosity. Although it demands effort, it does not reward deep thought. Charles Ungerleider, Failing Our Kids (2003)
Scraps of information are only worth something if they are put to use or at least thrown into fresh combinations. Alfred North Whitehead, Philosopher
The traditional curriculum keeps moving students from one isolated fact or skill to the next; the assignments get harder, but not more meaningful. Alfie Kohn, The Schools Our Children Deserve (1999)
The curriculum amounts to a series of individual, micro-level tasks, each taught and then tested. In reality, such fragmentation produces an incoherent curriculum that is hard for even the “good” students to really understand, much less care about. Alfie Kohn, Writer and Speaker
August 2015