In the interconnected world in which the vast majority of human beings now live ... it is not possible for parts of the world to thrive while others remain desperately poor and deeply frustrated. Recalling the words of Benjamin Franklin, “We must indeed all hang together, or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately”. Howard Gardner
Companies are being forced to think differently.... …The high-rise pyramids of hierarchical corporate structures are being transformed into the low-rise of the flatter organization -- less bureaucracy, more teamwork, and a greater dispersion of responsibility, information and decision-making. Daniel Yergin
The shift from a factory-based to a computer-based economy is more traumatic even than our great-grandparents' shift from a farm-based economy. The Industrial Revolution extended over generations and allowed time for human and institutional adjustment. The Computer Revolution is far swifter, more concentrated, and more dramatic in its impact. Arthur Schlesinger, Harvard Historian
As children spend more time in structured learning environments ...they feel comfortable in settings where things are structured and controlled. In contrast, a more open and risky environment intimidates them... [in this way] we are creating a potentially dangerous disconnect between the learning environments we are providing for children and the economy we are creating for them to enter into as adults. Terence Ryan
For young people to thrive in highly flexible, changing environments, they need to have grown up in open and challenging environments that stimulate their ability to be creative and thoughtful. It is rare for such challenging learning environments to coexist within institutions driven by a time-clock or a mass of standard operating procedures. Terence Ryan
If we want our children to become responsible life-long learners then we need to be as concerned about their time outside the classroom as we are about their time in it. Terence Ryan
Too many leave school with the appetite killed and the mind loaded with undigested lumps of information. Sir Richard Livingston
Learning is a consequence of thinking. David Perkins, Smart Schools, 1992
August 2015