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Imagine a School was a dramatic performance created by high school students from Halifax, Toronto and Vancouver that opened CEA’s symposium “Getting it Right for Adolescent Learners” in 2006. Find out what adolescents are saying about their experiences in high schools and what schools would look like if we “got it right”.
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Tell Them From Me is an assessment system that measures a wide variety of indicators of student engagement and wellness, and classroom and school climate that are known to affect learning outcomes. The anonymous survey covers areas including: perceptions of testing, involvement in sports teams and clubs, attendance, hours spent watching TV, a sense of belonging, post-graduation goals, bullying, self esteem, student anxiety and depression.
Read more John Abbott speaks on the shortcomings and inadequacy of typical ‘back to basics’ educational reform.
It is easier to measure efficiency than effectiveness, easier to rate how well we are doing something than to ask if hat we are doing makes sense. …the process of coming to understand ideas in a classroom is not always linear or quantifiable. Linda McNeil, Co-Director, Center for Education, Rice University
Politicians of widely divergent political orientations think testing students will improve learning. Testing has increased dramatically in the past ten years, and if it worked in the simplistic way that some politicians seem to think, kids today would be the most learned students ever. Charles Ungerleider, Failing Our Kids (2003)
Any aspect of learning (or life) that resists being reduced to numbers is regarded as vaguely suspicious. Alfie Kohn, The Schools Our Children Deserve (1999)
Concepts like intrinsic motivation and intellectual exploration are hard for the prosaic mind to grasp, whereas test scores, like sales figures or votes, can be calculated and charged and used to define success and failure. Alfie Kohn, The Schools Our Children Deserve (1999)
Standardized tests can’t measure initiative, creativity, imagination, conceptual thinking, curiosity, effort, irony, judgment, commitment, nuance, good will, ethical reflection, or a host of other valuable dispositions and attributes. Unknown
August 2015