Laurence Steinberg, Beyond the Classroom, 1997
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No curricular overhaul, no instructional innovation, no change in school organization, no toughening of standards, no rethinking of teacher training or compensation will succeed if students do not come to school interested in, and committed to, learning… We need to look, not at what goes on inside the classroom, but at students’ lives outside the school’s walls.
Laurence Steinberg, Beyond the Classroom, 1997 Read more
Schools can’t do it alone.
If we truly want to provide the best learning opportunities for our kids, education needs to be more like a three-legged stool – with the structural support of home, school and community all working together. But here’s the thing. If all three legs are strong and equal, the stool is perfectly stable and functional. If one of the legs is damaged or removed, the stool can’t hold any weight. It can’t do its job, no matter how much we try to patch and reinforce the remaining legs. Read more Educating to Thrive in the 21st Century
The Change Learning Project is an innovative, multi-stage initiative to transform the way we understand and structure education in Canada. The purpose of the project is to create and implement a redesigned educational model—one that is rooted in what we know about how children learn and develop, and one that involves parents and community, addresses the whole child and meets the needs of our 21st century realities. Read more If we want our youth to turn into adults that are fulfilled, literate and connected to their families, culture, and global communities—what do we need to do? If we want life-long learners, ingenious thinkers and creative problem solvers, how do we nurture those qualities? If we want kids that are passionately engaged in life and society, where do we start? And if we want a society that spends less on jails, social services, crime prevention and health care, what needs to change?
Our vision is to synthesize research and promising practices related to how humans learn and develop, in order to entirely rethink the model of education in this country. Read more Our society has undergone radical shifts in everything from family structure to demographics to where and how families and children spend the majority of their time. Canadian schools, first developed in the context of the family farm and small town, have struggled to respond to the massive shifts that have taken place in how children are living their lives outside of the classroom walls.
Read more Today’s students are the first generation to grow up in the midst of digital technology and these very different experiences have changed the way they think, behave and, quite possibly, the physical structure of their brain. These students require radically different methods to engage them in the learning process and maximize the potential of new technologies that surround them.
Read more “I believe that current formal education still prepares students primarily for the world of the past, rather than for possible worlds of the future….[we have] not yet figured out how to prepare youngsters so that they can survive and thrive in a world different from one ever known or even imagined before.” Howard Gardner
“Our ever-increasing global interconnection has changed the context of our existence, while globalization continues to change the face of our planet and the challenges that we, as a species, must face. Education must now respond to the need for new types of knowledge and very different skill sets. It must also provide learning experiences that foster the development of engaged and active global citizens if we ever hope to address the issues that threaten our future—global warming, international conflict and inequities in resource distribution around the world. Read more The work place is demanding more innovation and creativity…That’s a fundamental shift from just five years ago when the focus was on simply re-engineering and efficiency.” Terry Ryan
In the 21st century economy, preparing youth to work and succeed is far different than it used to be. Read more |
August 2015