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For over 30 years, Carol Dweck has studied students’ motivation in order to find out what makes motivated students tick and she says: “Here is the most important thing I have learned: The most motivated and resilient students are not the ones who think they have a lot of fixed or innate intelligence. Instead, the most motivated and resilient students are the ones who believe that their abilities can be developed through their effort and learning”.
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The Hadley Learning Community opened on the 1st September 2006 and is located in the community of Hadley in central Telford.HLC is a £70 million PFI project, in partnership with Interserve that represents a major investment by the Brorough of Telford & Wrekin Council in creating a 21st Century learning campus.
Read more Tell Them From Me is an assessment system that measures a wide variety of indicators of student engagement and wellness, and classroom and school climate that are known to affect learning outcomes. The anonymous survey covers areas including: perceptions of testing, involvement in sports teams and clubs, attendance, hours spent watching TV, a sense of belonging, post-graduation goals, bullying, self esteem, student anxiety and depression.
Read more Participants in a Change Learning pilot program create their own music video to express how they feel about the Change it Up program they were a part of.
21C Learning Community Toolkit explores how a small Cree reservation in northern Alberta has employed an innovative learning game called ‘Prelude’. The legacy of residential schools and inappropriate European models of pedagogy have left the Bigstone Cree cautious about embracing ‘mainstream’ education. The collaboration between the game’s inventor, educational experts and, most importantly, the teachers and children of the Bigstone Cree Nation demonstrates that imaginative solutions to longstanding problems are possible.
A leading expert in motivation and personality psychology, Carol Dweck has discovered in more than twenty years of research that our mindset is not a minor personality quirk: it creates our whole mental world. It explains how we become optimistic or pessimistic. It shapes our goals, our attitude toward work and relationships, and how we raise our kids, ultimately predicting whether or not we will fulfill our potential. Dweck has found that everyone has one of two basic mindsets.
Read more Educating to Thrive in the 21st Century
The Change Learning Project is an innovative, multi-stage initiative to transform the way we understand and structure education in Canada. The purpose of the project is to create and implement a redesigned educational model—one that is rooted in what we know about how children learn and develop, and one that involves parents and community, addresses the whole child and meets the needs of our 21st century realities. Read more Young children don’t need to be rewarded to learn… the desire to learn is natural. …And as nearly every parent of a preschooler or kindergartner will attest, they play with words and numbers and ideas, asking questions ceaselessly, with as truly intrinsic a motivation as can be imagined. As children progress through elementary school, though, their approach to learning becomes increasingly extrinsic. – Alfie Kohn
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August 2015