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The goal of the Alberta Initiative for School Improvement (AISI) is to improve student learning and performance by supporting initiatives that address unique needs and circumstances within school authorities. AISI funding is targeted, which means it is provided to school authorities for specific local initiatives that are focused on improving student learning.
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This Policy Proposal, from the 21st Century Learning Initiative in the UK, is written to assist those in positions of influence to initiate powerful changes to current educational arrangements. The circumstantial evidence for such a transformation of learning is drawn from the best in research and practice from around the world. The paper shows that better informed, and more effective, models of learning could be organised through a redistribution of expenditures and responsibilities, at a total cost no greater than current levels of expenditure.
Educating to Thrive in the 21st Century
The Change Learning Project is an innovative, multi-stage initiative to transform the way we understand and structure education in Canada. The purpose of the project is to create and implement a redesigned educational model—one that is rooted in what we know about how children learn and develop, and one that involves parents and community, addresses the whole child and meets the needs of our 21st century realities. Read more This Policy Proposal, from the 21st Century Learning Initiative in the UK, is written to assist those in positions of influence to initiate powerful changes to current educational arrangements. The circumstantial evidence for such a transformation of learning is drawn from the best in research and practice from around the world. The paper shows that better informed, and more effective, models of learning could be organised through a redistribution of expenditures and responsibilities, at a total cost no greater than current levels of expenditure.
Death and taxes come later; what seems inevitable for children is the idea that, after spending the day at school, they must then complete more academic assignments at home. The predictable results: stress and conflict, frustration and exhaustion. Parents respond by reassuring themselves that at least the benefits outweigh the costs.
Read more This view that kids are vending machines, where you put in more homework, you get out more learning, is painfully naïve. Alfie Kohn, Maclean’s (September 11, 2006)
There is very little correlation between the amount of homework and achievement in elementary school and only a moderate correlation in middle school. Even in high school, too much homework may diminish in its effectiveness or even become counterproductive. Harris Cooper, Professor, Duke University (2006)
Reading for fun declines sharply after age eight and the main reason is too much homework. Scholastic Yankelovich Study (2006)
August 2015