Aboriginal Education is for all students. Evergreen School Division has included the Aboriginal perspective in as many areas of the curriculum as possible from Kindergarten to Grade 12. An impressive Aboriginal collection has been built up to provide the necessary resources for all teachers and support staff to incorporate the Aboriginal perspective in the curriculum. Educators can choose from books, videos, art, puppets, music, posters and more in 55 themes related to Aboriginal education. Resources are appropriate for all age groups and skill levels.
The Division also encourages community members to participate in their aboriginal education initiative, and a number of aboriginal and Metis artists, musicians, writers, storytellers, and athletes have been guest in the schools. The program also includes a number of field trips (e.g. to see live theatre or visit local sites of importance) and community partnerships (e.g. with the New Iceland Heritage Museum). The Division encourages teachers to incorporate the Aboriginal perspective into all subject areas with extensive online and district resources and an Aboriginal coordinator who makes frequent school visits and provides support to teachers. Check out their Visions Newsletter for more information. |
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