Participants in a Change Learning pilot program create their own music video to express how they feel about the Change it Up program they were a part of.
21C Learning Community Toolkit explores how a small Cree reservation in northern Alberta has employed an innovative learning game called ‘Prelude’. The legacy of residential schools and inappropriate European models of pedagogy have left the Bigstone Cree cautious about embracing ‘mainstream’ education. The collaboration between the game’s inventor, educational experts and, most importantly, the teachers and children of the Bigstone Cree Nation demonstrates that imaginative solutions to longstanding problems are possible.
A school education is meant to assist students in developing into active, productive members of the greater community. John Abbott explores the limitations of a classroom setting in preparing students for life in the greater world.
This video was created as an introduction for a presentation at Pennsylvania Educational Technology Expo and Conference (PETE&C) . The session was designed to show teachers how to connect their classrooms to the world of information.
Jeff Lackney of School Design Studio facilitated a month long series of design workshops with students and teachers from West High School in Madison, Wisconsin aimed at creating smaller learning communities within the large 2,000 student school.
The MacArthur Foundation (USA) launched a $50 million initiative in 2006 to help determine how digital technologies are changing the way young people learn, play, socialize, and participate in civic life. The foundation asserts that the answers are critical to developing educational and other social institutions that can meet the needs of this and future generations.
This creative video asserts that American education continues to be afraid of technology and ignore its importance to our future as a nation and the future of our children. Further, it advises that we must move ahead and use technology to teach and to keep our kids safe, as wisely-used technology can be a friend of education, whereas ignorance is the true enemy.
The American Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) calls on parents, educators, policymakers, and communities to join forces to ensure our children become productive, engaged citizens. Our children deserve an education that emphasizes academic rigor as well as the essential 21st century skills of critical thinking and creativity.
August 2015