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Success By 6 Peel builds and expands community support for children by strengthening services for young children and their families. Research-informed and neighbourhood-based, Success By 6 Peel envisions a community where all children thrive and are valued, respected, nurtured, loved and given the opportunity to develop to their full potential as creative, caring, competent and responsible adults.
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Community Forest International’s education program unites schools from New Brunswick, Canada with schools in Pemba, Tanzania creating a cross-cultural, environmental learning experience. Students participating in this innovative learning partnership will address climate change by measuring their school’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions and off-setting their environmental impact by planting trees.
Read more This project is specifically aimed at reaching youth (15-30) in the WoodBuffallo region that have disengaged from traditional education and consequently face multiple barriers on their path to employment. Low educational attainment in these youth is reflected in low literacy/numeracy levels and serious deficits in essential skills such as communication, ability to work with others and the use of technology. These deficits are so significant that many are unable to access training-to-employment programs offered by regional employers such as EnCana Corporation.
Read more Roots of Empathy (ROE) is an award winning, evidence-based classroom program that has shown dramatic effect in reducing levels of aggression and violence among school children while raising social/emotional competence and increasing empathy. The program reaches children from Kindergarten to Grade 8 across Canada, in English and French, in rural, urban, remote and Aboriginal communities both on and off reserve and internationally in Australia,New Zealand, and the United States.
Read more Research shows ‘Signs of Suicide’ prevention program helps reduce the number of attempts by high school students.
Read more This program explores the Swedish approach to nursery education. What is the secret to their success? What factors combine to help Swedish children perform so well in European literacy tables?
On the face of it, Sweden’s attitude to teaching nursery children is incredibly relaxed and informal. There is little structured learning, play is paramount, there are few locks or security coded gates and children are encouraged to help with cleaning and catering. Most Swedish children who leave pre-school at the age of six cannot read or write. Yet within three years of starting formal schooling at the age of seven, these children lead the literacy tables in Europe. Read more With a constructivist viewpoint of learning and a commitment to experiential education and authentic outcomes, Sharon MacKenzie takes her middle school classes out of the school and into the world. From spending 2 months of the year in a seniors’ residence to raising thousands of dollars through developing and running a small business, the results are amazing – for the community as well as for the students.
Read more A village primary school has brought a new sense of pride to a former mining community devastated by a pit closure. The 107-pupil Cassop Primary School in Durham has become the first in the UK to be wind-powered through a wind turbine located in the school grounds. It also became the first to win an award for the country’s greenest school as part of the prestigious National Teaching Awards – screened live on BBC2.
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August 2015