Learning is a consequence of thinking. David Perkins, Smart Schools, 1992
The challenge is to better understand metacognition - how we can make thinking visible and consciously direct our multiple learning strategies. This will give us the key to transform education. We really can learn how to learn, with a clarity that was not possible even five years ago. John Abbott
Why, therefore, do we have a "crisis" in education? Is it that all teachers, in every country, have suddenly started to underperform? Or is it that teachers, administrators, departments of education, ministers, prime ministers have simply failed to move into the rest of the bookshop to study what is now known about human learning? John Abbott
Get rid of that machine model of the brain. It’s wrong! The brain is a biological system, not a machine. Currently we’re putting children with biologically shaped brains into machine-oriented schools. The two just don’t mix. We bog the school down in a curriculum that is not biologically feasible. Robert Sylwester
Robert Epstein, former editor in chief of Psychology Today, shows that teen turmoil is caused by outmoded systems put in place a century ago which destroyed the continuum between childhood and adulthood. Where this continuum still exists in other countries, there is no adolescence.
Isolated from adults, American teens learn everything they know from their media-dominated peers the last people on earth they should be learning from, says Epstein. Epstein explains that our teens are highly capable in some ways more capable than adults and argues strongly against infantilizing young people. We must rediscover the adult in every teen, he says, by giving young people adult authority and responsibility as soon as they can demonstrate readiness. This landmark book will change the thinking about teens for decades to come. Read more When do infants begin to learn? How do experts learn and how is this different from non-experts? What can teachers and schools do—with curricula, classroom settings, and teaching methods—to help children learn most effectively?
This book offers exciting new research about the mind and the brain that provides answers to these and other questions. New evidence from many branches of science has significantly added to our understanding of what it means to know, from the neural processes that occur during learning to the influence of culture on what people see and absorb. Read more Best-selling author David A. Sousa explores source material on brain research, including basic brain structures, how the brain processes information, memory and retention, and the transfer of knowledge to enhance present and future learning.
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August 2015